Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mermaid Books 2 – A Survival Guide for Landlocked Mermaids

Jozef bought this book by artist/writer Margot Datz a few months ago when he placed a large order for mermaid material from Amazon. He gave it to me to see what I thought. I read it and promptly went onto Amazon myself to buy a copy for me, as well as two other copies for Christmas presents which the recipients are going to receive early when we fittingly catch up next week for ... yep, you guessed it ... fish and chips.

This is a book you get for the girls – from one woman to another or from father or mother sending their beloved daughter our into the world. The dust jacket tells us that "The landlocked mermaid is a symbol of the contemporary woman trapped in a paradoxical dilemma of being part worldly and domesticated, part untamable and intuitive."

It really is quite delightful. The paintings are whimsical and fun, and the artistic embellishments such as the spot illustrations to the sumptuous paintings on every page illustrating themes such as: "Dare to be Bare" (authenticity), "Never Lose Sight of the Sea" (trusting our instincts), and "Allure to Be Sure" (celebrating your sexiness) are absolute lovely. This is the kind of book you keep at your bedside and read in your pyjamas over and over again to remind yourself of its gentle life lessons and to also discover elements in the images you may have missed on previous readings. It's also a book that has a strangely calming effect – it made me relaxed and happy to read it and to revisit it.

So mermaids and mermen out there, just CLICK on the image below to order it for yourself or for your loved ones.

And at the end of the day, we mustn't forget the last adage on its pages– "To Thine Own Mermaid Be True".


greenest mermaid said...

Awesome review! That's been on my Amazon wishlist forever! Maybe this year I'll treat myself to this book :)

Black Mermaid Productions said...

Thanks, Cecilia.
It truly is a lovely book. The shiny dust jacket feels like satin too.